Simple Contacts Export
Easily export contacts from addressbook of Android device in different formats:
- Google CSV
- Philips Xenium UDX format
Need to import contacts to your Android device? Check out the Simple Contacts Import app.
Support of other formats by request. Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can export contacts file to SD card using Send to SD app
Simple Contacts Import
Easily import contacts to the addressbook of Android device from other devices:
- Philips Xenium UDX format
- Google CSV (full support, with custom fields, custom fields are imported as text notes)
- Nokia NBU (contacts only)
Experimental(!) support of local, phone-only unsynced accounts, may or may not work, depends on device.
There is an option to format telephone numbers while importing, removing all 'non-phone' symbols from them.
Need to export contacts from your Android device? Check out the Simple Contacts Export app.
Support of other formats by request. Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.